Tuesday, August 25, 2009

... aint life and love one big roller coaster ride...

A few days ago I met my best friend and her family at Sea World in San Antonio! So much fun! I'm a big fan of roller coasters (as long as they're not wooden), so of course we we ride the only 2 coasters in the park multiple times. I had always thought that the very front row was more adventurous; boy was i wrong! It is actually the very back row that's more adventurous! Try it out, let me know what ya think! It would not have been a Sea World visit without watching the Shamu show! Those animals are amazing! I decided I need to become friends with a whale or dolphin trainer. That way i would get to swim and have fun with them, but not have to worry about learning to train them because I don't have the slightest idea of where to start. I think i'll stick with kids instead of animals.

Well, it's my last day of freedom before school starts and I plan on soaking every bit of it up!

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