Thursday, October 29, 2009

Few and Far Between

Yes, I do realize my posts are few and far between. It's not that I haven't encountered any adventures, it's the fact that I forget that I should write about them or say i'll do it later and later never comes...

About a week ago the Chi Alpha director calls me and asks me to write a little paragraph thing about what it's like having Christ in my life and being a college student and what XA has meant to me. This is what I came up with...

Living as a committed Christ follower on a college campus is not the easiest thing I’ve ever done, however, it’s not the hardest thing I’ve done either. I can say with confidence that God has been with me every step of my college career. He has been my comfort, my provider, my strength, and has equipped me with everything I need. God has given me a sense of belonging, I am His child. He has guided and directed me down His paths and covered me with His peace, even when it was the exact opposite of what I thought needed to be done.

I transferred to Texas State a year ago and knew only 2 people in the town. Through Chi Alpha, I got involved in a small group and met some amazing people who are now some of my very close friends. The weekly large group meetings have been so encouraging to me. Being around other believers, participating in intimate worship, and hearing practical teaching has helped me fall more and more in love with my Savior and deepen my walk with the Lord.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Interesting People

First of all, I owe my friend, Brittany, an apology for my absence in blogging! Now, onto my stories...

As usual, I have a long list of things I should be doing, however, right now I think laying on my bed with Ben (my roomate's dog) who is currently growling at my closet or a shadow I can't figure out which it is, and sharing stories is more fun than cleaning or studying or grocery shopping or any of the other 34 things on my list. It's a great evening, I can finally open my window and not die of a heat stroke! Oh how I love fall!

Yesterday I rode the bus home from school, as usual. However, I saw something that was definatly very unusual... After the first stop, people shuffled around and I ended up getting a seat. Standing in front of me is a girl standing wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Her arm is raised because she's holding onto the top bar. Out of her armpit I see hair, lots and lots of hair it had to seriously be 3 or 4 inches long. No Joke! I look down and notice her leg hair is basically the same way; long and in massive amounts. I was not prepared to see this...

Also, this week was national "coming out of the closet week". Of course there were lots of people on campus celebrating this event. Thankfully, I didn't have any encounters with girls! You bet I sure did do a lot of prayer walking. Last night I went to Chi Alpha, it was so refreshing! The guy preached about almost the exact same thing I heard from God that afternoon on one of my prayer walks! :)