Saturday, July 31, 2010

It Is Well

Tonight I took a nice drive with the Lord. We explored some backroads I usually drive past and revisited some places I hadn't been in a while. Taking a drive through the country is one of my favorite things to do!
This summer hasn't been the easiest nor has it been the hardest. The Lord has definitely been strengthening and refining my character. Hard, but worth it.

There are a few situations in my life that I would describe as "bittersweet". I would rather not face these situations, but I know it's for the best. My flesh wants to be bitter about it, but my Savior's sweetness tends to outweigh that bitterness when I let it. A song by The Fray came on during my drive.. one of the lines was "sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same". So true, so true. Although the song is talking about a girl and relationships, I find this line so relevant for so many things.

Although some things are bittersweet and sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same, I will choose to sing "it is well with my soul". Because I serve and have a relationship with a gracious, loving, merciful Lord; with freedom and joy in my heart, I can sing "it is well with my soul".

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