Since I can't decide what to write about, i thought I would enlighten you on a whole list of things going on in my head right now. Since it's July 9, I think the list should consist of 9 things :)
1. The downfall of not having roomates right now is that there is no one to help me tackle the killing of bugs in the apartment. I can usually handle this task on my own until they start jumping and flying ... Last night I was innocently sitting on my bed and a cricket comes flying across my room and heads directly for the disaster-laundry mountain corner of my room. He then reappears but the disappears into my printer. It was 1am, and I was sitting on my bed armed with 4 shoes and in a standoff with a cricket.
2. My good friend, Sami got married a little over a month ago! It was so fun being her maid-of-honor! Her and her husband, Kevin, are currently serving as missionaries in Kyrgyzstan, teaching baseball. They recently informed me that the Lord has another child in His kingdom!
3. I went to Colorado with my aunt to see some of my cousins who I hadn't seen in years. It was so refreshing to experience cooler weather and be reminded of how big, beautiful, and creative God our maker is!
4. I went to a Landon Pigg show in Houston with my friend, Mikey and his sister, Preslie. Despite my massive amount of sleep deprivation, it was a fun evening! We learned that Landon's girlfriend does indeed wear a red cape!
5. I went to the church David Crowder leads worship at. It was the coolest looking venue and reminded me of one of my favorite coffee shops in CS. However, looks can be deceiving. Typically when I go into a church or attend some form of a service I can feel the spirit of God. Whether it's reflected in the joy on people's faces, the passion in the voice of the pastor, through the actions of the worship leader, or just simply experiencing the warmth and fragrance of the Lord. Well, not so much that particular Sunday morning. It was so sad! There was no joy, no spirit of God, no life, no nothing! Thankfully the Holy Spirit lives inside of me so I don't have to rely on someone or something else for Him to show up!
6. That same night I went with some friends to a Shane & Shane concert in Austin. They're some of my favorite musicians! The presence of the Holy Spirit was so thick and real! It was so evident that their lives were completely saturated with the living God! Amazing night of music and worship!
7. I've realized I have a tendency to want to "keep up with the jones' " Not necessarily with tangible possessions like clothes or shoes, but other things. Over the past few weeks God has slowly been revealing this to me. First He reminded me of some specific promises he has for me, then tells me to wait ... be patient and faithful and joyful during this waiting period! He has slowly revealed these things to me, bringing them into focus, and shows me how they're interwoven. It's clearer now more than ever before!
8. I'm currently listening to "Go Outside" by Robbie Seay Band. I highly recommend that you check it out! I love music so so much! I cannot imagine not being able to not hear music!
9. It's almost 1pm, i'm still in my pj's, and need to decide what i'm doing with my weekend. Peace out.